NHD: What You Don’t Know Can Kill Your Deal
On 28, Nov 2018 | In B2B, Real Estate | By Mitch Devine
After working on campaigns for both the California Association of Realtors® and National Association of Realtors® (NAR), I got involved in related projects, including specialty designations for agents (Seniors Real Estate Specialists) and required legal reports (Natural Hazards Disclosure LLC; SureTrac).
It turns out that anyone selling a home in California is required by law to disclose if the property lies within any state or locally mapped hazard areas. The information gets released in what’s called a Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) report.
Six types of hazard risks must be disclosed, according to California’s Natural Hazards Act (Sec. 1103, California Civil Code). These include: special flood hazard areas, dam inundation, very high fire, wildland fire, earthquake fault zone, and seismic hazards. Pretty serious stuff.
As you’ll see, the creative brief lent itself to some dramatic concepts for trade ads.
Fires, floods, fault lines & stealth taxes. Just another day at the office.
No need to panic. When you get a natural hazards disclosure report from NHD, you’re covered, regardless of what zone the property is in. As part of C.A.R., we back each report with $20 million of E&O insurance coverage.
And even though we’re producing our reports in hours instead of days, rest assured we haven’t sacrificed accuracy. So order a disclosure report you can rely on. Then get back out there. You’ve got a job to do.

The National Association of Realtors, the California Association of Realtors, and an army of lawyers have scoured these documents.
Feel free to look for typos.
Hazards lurk around every corner in the real estate business. Protect your clients and the success of their transaction with the right information and documentation.
You’ll find everything you need in the comprehensive library of informational brochures, pamphlets, disclosure briefs, buying and selling agreements, notices, forms and contracts offered by your California Association of Realtors.
Use SureTrac. Because what you don’t know can kill your deal.
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