Chicken Charlie
LA County Fair: Taking Deep-Fried Deeper
On 02, Nov 2018 | In Food, Public Relations | By dotzoe
Dare to Fair
Charles “Chicken Charlie” Boghosian can fry practically anything and make it taste amazing.
His idea to deep-fry Oreos was a stroke of culinary genius that made him a household name around the fairway world.
I was privileged to be among the first to try some of Chicken Charlie’s world-premier food creations at the L.A. County Fair.
But before I could try them, I first had to write about them (on behalf of agency Amusement Park, Inc.).
Check out the press release I wrote (below) listing all the exotic foods you can find only at the LA County Fair.
We also pitched the Food Network/Cooking Channel show, Carnival Eats, and persuaded host Noah Cappe and crew to travel from Canada and sample Fair food for four days (featured in two episodes) at the fairgrounds in Pomona. (You can watch both Carnival Eats shows featuring LA County Fair at the end of the post.)

Kevin Ryder of KROQ prepares to try a deep-fried, bacon-covered s’more prepared by Chicken Gerald for the LA County Fair.