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The Write Stuff

What’s your business?

My business is to help brands say what they mean, as clearly and memorably as possible.

I help companies of all types connect more closely with customers to persuade them to act.

Over the past couple decades, I’ve written for clients who sell everything from burgers to bus service, natural gas to Natural Hazards Disclosures, coffee to kiwi fruit, healthcare to software, plus electric guitars, fast cars, and plenty in between.

I’ve even written a press release for an event featuring a skydiver jumping out of a plane from 25,000 feet on live TV without a parachute or wing suit. (Spoiler alert: he landed safely and made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.) The release ultimately generated more than one billion impressions for the event. (Check out Stride Gum Presents Heaven Sent.)

Drop me a line when you’re ready to tell your audience some new stories.

Thanks for reading!


Brand development and naming, headlines, content marketing, press releases, social media marketing, PPC ad campaigns, SEO writing, blogging, scripts, business presentations, articles, proofing and editing.


Select Milestones:

  • Direct-Response Results: Wrote direct mail campaign that increased a national Medicare plan’s ranking from 3 to 4.5 stars (out of 5 possible).
  • Worldwide Impressions: Wrote integrated press release that generated more than a billion impressions for first-ever Guinness Book of World Records stunt featuring skydiver Luke Aikens jumping from 25,000 ft. without a parachute on live television. (Spoiler alert: he landed safely.)
  • New Product-Category Launch: Ever use a portable USB flash drive? I developed the campaign to introduce M-Systems’ flash-memory storage technology to OEM manufacturers (e.g., IBM, Cisco, et al) in the U.S.
  • User-Generated Content: Developed “D.I.Y. TV” integrated campaign for Omnitrans bus service that motivated local students to create their own video commercials promoting the bus to other students. The successful campaign repeated a second year.
  • Innovative Contests: Created print campaign for Wyle Electronics promoting their Engineering Design contest, featuring an EV1 electric car (lease only) grand prize that generated the contest’s largest-ever response. Also developed a contest to promote Belkin’s IoT brand, Wemo, that pushed their #WEMOthat hashtag to the top of the trending list at CES.


devinewrite (at) gmail dot com


Twitter: @DevineLines
