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In B2B

By Mitch Devine

From Israel With Dov: The U.S. Launch of USB Flash Drives

On 14, Dec 2018 | In B2B, Technology | By Mitch Devine

It’s not often you get to launch a new product in an entirely new category. Here’s a rare window into one such case.

The client was a company based in Israel—with a kangaroo for a product logo. The product was a new type of portable storage, so that explained the marsupial. The inventor called the product “DiskOnKey,” as in, a disk drive on a keychain.

Our mission was to ensure the device would become better known under other names.

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In Diet

By Mitch Devine

Jenny Craig: What Do You Have to Lose?

On 29, Nov 2018 | In Diet, Food | By Mitch Devine

Can’t say that I’ve ever been on a diet, but I have written the diet blog and this oversized (ahem) postcard to help persuade wayward Jenny Craig customers to return to the program.

Here’s the, er… backside of the mailer, below. Unlike a mullet, it’s mostly business in the back. (The front side, above, has all the fun.)

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In Utilities

By Mitch Devine

Sempra Energy: Largest Monthly SimplePay Enrollments Ever!

On 28, Nov 2018 | In Utilities | By Mitch Devine

“This is the largest monthly enrollment we’ve ever experienced since the inception of our SimplePay Direct Debit payment option…”


“…The bill insert concept caused thousands of customers to rethink the way they pay their monthly gas bill.”

After working on a series of bill inserts for The Gas Company (a Sempra Energy utility), my art director partner and I heard the excellent results of our most recent effort.

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Anthem: Putting Retirement Health Plans to Work for You

On 21, Nov 2018 | In Healthcare / Medical | By Mitch Devine

You’ve made it through the Cold War, bear markets and teenagers.

Don’t let a little thing like a major operation derail you.

Whether you’re retired or just dreaming of retirement, it’s time to put your health plan to work for you.

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Plus Ortho: The Future of CAOS

On 21, Nov 2018 | In B2B, Healthcare / Medical, Technology | By Mitch Devine

It’s the R2D2 to your Luke.

Like a trusty sidekick that lets you be the hero, the PiGalileo® Computer-Assisted Orthopedic Surgery System is the ultimate in precision navigation for total knee replacement.

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