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Mitch Devine



In B2B

By Mitch Devine

From Israel With Dov: The U.S. Launch of USB Flash Drives

On 14, Dec 2018 | In B2B, Technology | By Mitch Devine

It’s not often you get to launch a new product in an entirely new category. Here’s a rare window into one such case.

The client was a company based in Israel—with a kangaroo for a product logo. The product was a new type of portable storage, so that explained the marsupial. The inventor called the product “DiskOnKey,” as in, a disk drive on a keychain.

Our mission was to ensure the device would become better known under other names.

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In Diet

By Mitch Devine

Jenny Craig: What Do You Have to Lose?

On 29, Nov 2018 | In Diet, Food | By Mitch Devine

Can’t say that I’ve ever been on a diet, but I have written the diet blog and this oversized (ahem) postcard to help persuade wayward Jenny Craig customers to return to the program.

Here’s the, er… backside of the mailer, below. Unlike a mullet, it’s mostly business in the back. (The front side, above, has all the fun.)

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In Beauty

By Mitch Devine

Fantastic Sams: All About the Hair

On 29, Nov 2018 | In Beauty, Hair | By Mitch Devine

Look like a million, for considerably less.

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In Beverage

By Mitch Devine

Gloria Jean’s & Diedrich Coffee: Work Perks

On 29, Nov 2018 | In Beverage, Food | By Mitch Devine

Turn the office into a coffeehouse at the touch of a button.

The fancy Keurig coffeemaker was the first thing people noticed upon entering the kitchen at Johnson|Ukropina Creative Marketing. For a caffeinated creative team, it helped to have a coffee company for a client.

Here are a few examples of work we (us writer types and art director/designers) did for Gloria’s Jean’s Coffees, with a dash of Diedrich on the side.

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In Utilities

By Mitch Devine

Sempra Energy: Largest Monthly SimplePay Enrollments Ever!

On 28, Nov 2018 | In Utilities | By Mitch Devine

“This is the largest monthly enrollment we’ve ever experienced since the inception of our SimplePay Direct Debit payment option…”


“…The bill insert concept caused thousands of customers to rethink the way they pay their monthly gas bill.”

After working on a series of bill inserts for The Gas Company (a Sempra Energy utility), my art director partner and I heard the excellent results of our most recent effort.

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In Music

By Mitch Devine

Best Buy: Ready to Rock the IE

On 28, Nov 2018 | In Music | By Mitch Devine

When big-box electronics retailer Best Buy wanted to test-market a new musical instrument store concept, starting with three locations in Southern California’s Inland Empire, it put out a request for proposal to local agencies.

It looked like a plum assignment for the unsung stars and music-trivia buffs at J-U. But first, we had to beat out other agency competitors to get the gig.

Not only did we get the nod, we got a rousing cheer.

J-U won an Addy award for our self-promotional RFP concept, dubbed the “SoCal AdverTour,” designed as an homage to vintage concert posters.

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In B2B
Real Estate

By Mitch Devine

NHD: What You Don’t Know Can Kill Your Deal

On 28, Nov 2018 | In B2B, Real Estate | By Mitch Devine

After working on campaigns for both the California Association of Realtors® and National Association of Realtors® (NAR), I got involved in related projects, including specialty designations for agents (Seniors Real Estate Specialists) and required legal reports (Natural Hazards Disclosure LLC; SureTrac).

It turns out that anyone selling a home in California is required by law to disclose if the property lies within any state or locally mapped hazard areas.  The information gets released in what’s called a Natural Hazard Disclosure (NHD) report.

Six types of hazard risks must be disclosed, according to California’s Natural Hazards Act (Sec. 1103, California Civil Code). These include: special flood hazard areas, dam inundation, very high fire, wildland fire, earthquake fault zone, and seismic hazards. Pretty serious stuff.

As you’ll see, the creative brief lent itself to some dramatic concepts for trade ads.

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In Education

By Mitch Devine

Concordia University Irvine: Learn More to Earn More

On 28, Nov 2018 | In Education | By Mitch Devine

Concordia University Irvine offers business students the chance to learn from instructors who are currently active in their field. Wing Lam of Wahoo’s is just one notable example.

To promote its MBA program, Concordia School of Business ads often feature instructors or successful business graduates. Being Manager of Operations for Mitsubishi Motors, as well as a Concordia alumnus, Tom Butkiewicz fits both descriptions. 

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